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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Children's Ear Infections

Once you have treated an ear infection with homeopathy, you are convinced it isn't hogwash! I have had many a client become a raving fan of homeopathy post seeing the remedies be fast and effective. Ear infections are particularly common in children. Known as acute otitis media, this fast and painful symptom picture can be super alarming for parents. The pain, discomfort, and uncertainty can lead to anxiety and questions like, “How long should I wait before seeking treatment?” or “Is it time for antibiotics?” These concerns are common, especially among first-time parents and care givers who visit my clinic.

Black and white image of a toddler holding their ear and crying in pain

Acute otitis media often involves inflammation and fluid build-up in the middle ear, usually from bacteria, leading to pain, fever, and hearing difficulties. Traditional treatments like antibiotics are often prescribed and can help, but they also come with potential side effects and the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Children can be more susceptible to ear infections than adults for many reasons that go alongside my basic principles of health: genetics, environmental and toxic load. Each having a role to play in why the ear, nose and throat is affected as kids develop. The reasons are often dealt with in constitutional prescribing however, we can use homeopathics acutely whilst we are working to both reduce and transmute the susceptibility.

Homeopathy offers a gentle, effective approach to treating ear infections, often providing rapid relief within minutes to an hour. It's important to note that the symptoms of ear infections vary significantly from child to child, and the key to successful treatment lies in understanding these individual differences.


Let’s look at some common remedies for ear infections:


This little gem in the initial stages of an ear infection is a necessity. Acute, sudden onset, often after an environmental exposure such as cold wind or water. The acute pain of aconite, mixed with the shock makes aconite a remedy to reach for every 5-10 min in these initial stages if it comes on fast or a dose here and there if you seem to think it may be an ear infection brewing.


This remedy is for when we see the ear infection growing in pain and intensity. There may or may not be a fever at this point however, there will be hot or red parts (face, ear etc) and much throbbing. Everything gets worse at night. Again, we dose to match the intensity of the symptoms with the dosing.


This is for when the pain becomes unbearable and there are lots of tears and potential screaming. Chamomillas desire to be wrapped up warmly and out of the cold. This one is great to go in every 5 min with when the pain is really acute.

Ferrum Phos 

This is a great little gem when the aconite or belladonna haven't quite hit the spot. Usually the Ferrum will. It helps stop the ear infection from going any further so I generally like to use this one every 4 hours alongside the others generically.

Hepar Sulph

This is another pain reliever with the splinter like pains that can move up and down the ear. Once we have a cheesy, offensive smelling discharge, hepar sulph is needed. It helps ‘clean’ it all up at the end.

Merc Sol

Is another suppuration remedy  when the discharge is yellow/green and it feels like its running from your ear.


A great one for ears when they feel stuffed up with difficulty hearing. The tell tail sign you or your loved one is in a puls state are tears and cuddly clinginess.


Another great one for when the ears are blocked. There is a deep sensitivity to noise with the silica patient and sometimes you can hear the sound of the ocean in the ear.


The effectiveness of homeopathy in treating ear infections lies in its ability to address the unique symptoms of each child. By matching the remedy to the specific presentation of symptoms, homeopathy works with the body to restore balance and promote healing.

For instance:

  • Some infections start in the left ear, others in the right.

  • Some develop after a cold or tonsillitis, while others follow a fever.

  • Certain children can’t tolerate having their ears touched, while others constantly dig their fingers into their ears.

Close up of human baby's ear

Case Examples

A little boy's ear infections always began after a bout of tonsillitis. His parents were well-versed in his symptoms: the infection always started in the right ear and escalated quickly, with the boy unable to bear even the lightest touch on that ear. It was found that Hepar sulphuris calcareum was his go-to remedy, and it worked wonders every time, relieving his pain and stopping the infection from progressing.

Another example, a young girl who would get ear infections after every cold. Her infections always started in the left ear, and she would constantly tug at it, trying to find relief. For her, Pulsatilla was the perfect match, and with a few doses, her symptoms would rapidly subside.

Recognising Common Triggers

Ear infections can be triggered by various environmental and lifestyle factors.

  • Cold weather often leads to an increase in upper respiratory infections, which can spread to the ears, causing inflammation.

  • Children in day-care or school settings are also more exposed to viruses that can lead to ear infections. 

  • Worms can often make ears itchy and then lead to infections. 

  • Toxic exposure through conventional modalities and environmental inhabiting (chemical cleaning products, mould etc) 

  • Tooth decay and infection.

  • Allergies or IgE receptors up, zinc/copper imbalances etc

Identifying these triggers early on and taking preventive measures, like boosting the immune system with proper nutrition and supplements, can help reduce the frequency and severity of ear infections.

Complementary Therapies

In addition to homeopathic remedies, complementary therapies can provide relief and speed up recovery from ear infections. Warm compresses applied to the affected ear can soothe pain and reduce inflammation. Dietary changes, such as reducing sugar intake and increasing immune-boosting foods like garlic and ginger, can help the body fight off infections more effectively. Gentle massage techniques around the ear and neck area can also improve lymphatic drainage, reducing pressure and promoting healing. These therapies work well alongside homeopathy to support overall health and well-being.




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